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How Chiropractic Care Eliminates Migraines in Mount Dora, FL

By October 3, 2023No Comments4 min read

How Mount Dora Family Chiropractic Eliminates Migraines | Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Mount Dora, FL

Hello again, Dr. Todd here at Mount Dora Family Chiropractic. Today we want to talk about how we specifically address these symptoms here at our clinic to assure our chiropractic care eliminates migraines. First of all, my heart goes out to you if you or a loved one is suffering from migraines, it is one of the most debilitating form of headaches, and they’re unfortunately quite prevalent. So we’re going to talk about what do we do here to help. If you’ve been doing things at home or through traditional medical routes and you’re still suffering, we’d like to present an alternative to you that may sound appealing.

Comprehensive Health Consultation

So number one is we got to start with a comprehensive consultation and history so we get some background information about you. So we’re really big on sitting down with folks and listening to determine if you are in the right place. Do we feel like we can help you based on your symptoms? And assuming that’s the case, once we understand your story and what’s been going on, then we’ll dive into an exam. So we’re going to do a detailed neurologic, orthopedic and chiropractic exam, which again will further solidify whether or not you’re in the right place. Once we’ve established that you are definitely in the right place and a great candidate for care we will do precise imaging.

Precise Imaging

We’ll then do number two here, which is very precise imaging. So in our office, we’re one of the only chiropractic offices that use a “cone beam”, CAT scan. So that’s basically a panoramic, 3D X ray. So we can get a very detailed image of your upper cervical area, which is where most migraines are stemming from, known as your cranial cervical junction. It is a hotbed because your brainstem sits there and you’ve got blood supply coming out to feed your head. Migraines often also have a vascular component. So without the imaging, we can’t get an accurate diagnosis and know how to precisely correct the problem. So we also do motion studies. So we want to see how the mechanics of the spine are working and in most cases migraine headaches also have chronic neck pain. And the reason for that is, at some point in your life, often years ago, you had a trauma that actually caused ligament damage, and you now have ligament laxity. That is very important and 99% of the time it goes overlooked or missed because it’s not looking for by other health care professionals. So we need to find out if you have one of these root issues.

Upper Cervical Adjustments

Okay, so once we have the imaging done, the next thing is a very specific upper cervical chiropractic care. Again, upper cervical meaning those top two bones in the neck, these are the most critical and they’re almost always the root cause of migraine headaches. Then we also utilized supportive care in the form of neurologically based adjustments, which support the upper cervical care. So the combination of the two tends to work really, really well for people with migraines. Once you walk out of the office, life awaits life, stressors, work, etc. So we’re gonna give you some customized supportive home care, to maximize the care you’re getting in the office. This way over time we stabilize, support and strengthen all the structures around your spine so that you don’t keep misaligning the affected area. So the goal is to help you get well and then by and large help you stay well with the activities at home.

Schedule your consultation and exam to help eliminate your migraines. Have a blessed day!

Mount Dora Family Chiropractic

Mount Dora Family Chiropractic is unique to central Florida, often attracting clients from hours away. We provide a very specialized form of Chiropractic care known as Upper Cervical Specific (Blair Technique) in combination with very gentle neurologically-based supportive care.

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